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Unlocking Performance through Energy Leadership

In small businesses, team energy dynamics play a significant role in determining the organization's overall performance and success.

As small business owners navigating the complex entrepreneurial environment, understanding the various levels of energy within your teams can enhance productivity, foster a positive work culture, and drive growth.

Let's delve into the seven energy levels and how they manifest in the workplace, paving the way toward elevated business energy and success.

The Energy-Performance Connection

Imagine walking into your office and feeling an immediate shift in the atmosphere. The air is charged with enthusiasm, ideas flow freely, and your team is laser-focused on achieving goals. This isn't a far-fetched dream—it's the reality of a high-energy workplace.

When facing challenges, we tend to address the symptoms rather than the root cause. For example, we seek financial advice for poor cash flow and hire a marketing expert when the pipeline is empty. In many cases, the problem is a disengaged team. At the end of the day, no matter what the task at hand is, there are humans behind every task, and when there is high energy and motivation, creative ideas will flow, and solutions will emerge.

In his enlightening book 'Energy Leadership', Bruce Schneider unfolds a compelling framework centered around the concept of energy and its profound influence on business outcomes. The practice of elevating energy was the foundation of iPEC, a prestigious coaching school Bruce founded.

Understanding the Seven Levels of Energy

Level 1: The Victim Mentality - "It's not my fault"

At the foundational level, individuals exhibit a victim mindset characterized by a lack of accountability and a sense of powerlessness. The motto for this level is "I Lose", and it is characterized by statements like 'I am not good enough', and 'Why always me?'. In a business context, this energy manifests as blame-shifting, resistance to change, and a defeatist attitude. Recognizing and addressing victim energy is crucial to break free from inertia and cultivate a more proactive work environment.

Level 2: Conflict and Opposition - "It's your fault"

Moving up the energy spectrum, level 2 energy embodies conflict, competition, and a win-lose mentality. The motto for this level is "I win, you lose" and it is characterized by 'My way or the highway' attitude. This can manifest in a workplace as internal strife, office politics, and a focus on individual agendas over collective goals. Shifting towards collaboration and cooperation is key to transcending this energy level and fostering team synergy.

Level 3: Rationalization and Justification - "I have a choice"

Level 3 energy is marked by rationalizing behaviors, maintaining the status quo, and conforming to societal norms. The motto here is 'I win, and if you win too, that's fine.' It is the level of coping, doing the work, and going home... In the business realm, this energy may result in resistance to innovation, complacency, and a hesitance to embrace change. Encouraging creativity, fostering a culture of experimentation, and promoting a growth mindset can propel teams beyond this energy tier.

Level 4: Opportunity and Solution-Focused - "How can I help?"

As we ascend the energy ladder, level 4 energy signifies a shift towards optimism, problem-solving, and focusing on opportunities rather than challenges. The motto of this level is 'You win, and only if you win - I win too'. This is the first level where positive energy is dominating, and people are eager to help each other. Within an organization, this energy translates into collaboration, proactive problem-solving, creative thinking, and a willingness to embrace new ideas. Cultivating a culture that nurtures innovation, risk-taking, and continuous improvement is essential to harness the potential of level 4 energy.

Level 5: Connectedness and Synergy - "We're in this together"

Level 5 energy embodies collaboration, empathy, and interconnectedness. The motto is 'We both win or we don't play.' This is a great level to operate in, as it cultivates growth and fosters innovation. In a workplace steeped in level 5 energy, teams operate cohesively, leverage each other's strengths, and prioritize collective success over individual accolades. Fostering a sense of belonging, encouraging open communication, and building strong relationships underpin the essence of level 5 energy.

Level 6: Inspiration and Vision - "What can we learn?"

At level 6, energy transcends individual goals to encompass a broader vision and purpose. Here, the motto is 'everybody wins,', and this is where ego and judgment start to diminish. Leaders operating from this energy level inspire their teams, drive innovation, and steer the organization toward its aspirational goals. Creating a compelling vision, articulating clear goals, and aligning team members' efforts towards a shared mission are hallmarks of level 6 energy.

Level 7: Pure Potential and Possibility - "Anything is possible"

The pinnacle of the energy spectrum, level 7, represents boundless potential, creativity, and infinite possibilities. At this level, there is no winning or losing. Businesses operating at this energy level are catalysts for transformation, disruptors in their industry, and pioneers of groundbreaking solutions. Embracing a culture of continuous learning, fostering an entrepreneurial spirit, and pushing the boundaries of innovation are paramount to unlocking the full potential of level 7 energy.

Elevating Business Energy for Success

Elevating the energy within a business involves a deliberate and holistic approach that encompasses leadership coaching, team development, and cultural transformation. By cultivating a workplace environment that resonates with higher energy levels, small business owners can unlock a myriad of benefits that propel their organizations toward success:

  • Enhanced Performance: Teams operating at higher energy levels exhibit increased creativity, productivity, and collaboration, leading to improved business performance and competitive advantage.

  • Positive Work Culture: Elevating team energy fosters a supportive and empowering work culture characterized by trust, communication, and mutual respect, driving employee engagement and retention.

  • Innovative Solutions: High-energy teams are more adept at problem-solving, innovation, and adapting to change, enabling businesses to stay ahead of market trends and deliver cutting-edge solutions to customers.

  • Leadership Development: Through energy leadership coaching, business owners can empower themselves and their teams to lead with vision, purpose, and authenticity, creating a ripple effect that cascades throughout the organization.

  • Resilience and Adaptability: Businesses infused with elevated energy levels are better equipped to navigate challenges, pivot in dynamic environments, and capitalize on emerging opportunities, ensuring long-term sustainability and growth.

Breaking Free from the Victim Mentality

Have you ever walked into a meeting where the air feels heavy with resignation? That's victim energy at work. It's characterized by phrases like "There's nothing we can do" or "It's always been this way." This energy level is a productivity killer and can spread like wildfire through your team.

Real-life example: Sarah, a small business owner, noticed her team constantly complaining about client demands. Instead of problem-solving, they were stuck in a cycle of blame and inaction.

The turnaround: Sarah introduced daily "solution sessions" where team members were encouraged to present challenges along with potential solutions. This simple shift helped move the team from victim energy to responsibility energy, boosting both morale and productivity.

Navigating Conflict Energy

Conflict energy often masquerades as productivity. It's the aggressive push to meet deadlines, the finger-pointing when things go wrong. While it may seem to get results in the short term, it's unsustainable and often leads to burnout and high turnover.

Real-life example: Mike's marketing agency was known for its "work hard, play hard" culture. But beneath the surface, team members were constantly at odds, blaming each other for missed deadlines and client dissatisfaction.

The turnaround: Mike implemented a "no-blame" policy and focused on collaborative problem-solving. By shifting from conflict energy to reconciliation energy, the team's creativity flourished, and client satisfaction soared.

The Ripple Effect of Energy Leadership

As you begin to shift your own energy and guide your team to higher levels, you'll notice a transformation. The once-stressful environment becomes a hub of innovation. Work-life balance improves as you learn to manage your energy, not just your time. Team engagement skyrockets, and with it, your business performance.

Remember, energy is contagious. As a leader, your energy sets the tone for your entire organization. By mastering Energy Leadership, you're not just improving your business—you're creating a ripple effect that touches every aspect of your life and the lives of those around you.


The journey toward elevated business energy is a transformative odyssey that begins with a deep understanding of the seven energy levels and their manifestations in the workplace. By nurturing a culture that embodies collaboration, innovation, and purpose-driven leadership, small business owners can unleash the full potential of their teams, driving success and achieving sustainable growth in a competitive business landscape.

Energy Leadership concepts are a proven method that has transformed thousands of businesses and individuals. iPEC—The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching—exclusively teaches this method, and iPEC graduates business coaches can help you in your journey to an energized team and growing company.

Remember, the energy you bring to your business today shapes the outcomes you reap tomorrow. Embrace the power of energy leadership, ignite the spark within your team, and watch your business soar to new heights of success!


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